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Showing 37 - 54 of 196 result

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Maximum guaranteed length of straps range from 3 to 4 feet. Quantity of 1 = 1 foot.  When checking out please be sure to provide length limitations for your desired...
        Ready to use for: rubber, wood, leather, glass, cork, metal, etc. Great for: weather stripping, car doors, windows, leather goods, shoe repair, replacing tiles and wall...
Available in Mini and Maxi Sizes Maxi - Sizes 6 through 10 and 12 (3/16", 13/64", 7/32", 1/4", 17/64" and 5/16"). Set includes six interchangeable tempered-steel tubes and forged steel...
Our compact anvil is easy to mount to your work bench. A great base for setting rivets. 2-3/4" tall, 1-13/16" wide, 5-1/4" long and the top is 3-3/8" long.
Protect the investment in your tools by using a high quality, impact absorbing surface underneath your leather while cutting or punching.
This premium, non-toxic, water-based adhesive is specifically designed for the manufacturers of fine leather goods. This amazingly strong contact adhesive is ideal for bonding various types of leathers including bags,...
The Real Multi Purpose Cement.  Bonds leather, rubber, EVA, Cork, Vinyl (PVC), Polystyrene. Drying time: 5-40 minutes.  850 g (Quart) with brush.  Also best on Vinyl (PVC). Toluene-free, MEK-free. Dries clear....
Fiebing’s Low VOC Deglazer is a solvent-based product used to remove finishes from leather surfaces. It’s typically used as a preparatory step before dyeing or refinishing leather. 
The 100% natural preservative for leather articles subjected to rugged use and outdoor exposure. Since the primary function of a neatsfoot oil is to replace the evaporated oils in leather,...
An aerosol mink oil for treating, conditioning, and preserving leather.
This straight knife is a great versatile tool for both skiving leather down to your needed thickness, and cutting out leather pieces. Designed to be stropped and sharpened as needed...
Fiebing's signature product. Used all over the world on fine saddlery, boots, shoes and other smooth leather articles. Cleans leather and lubricates the fibers to prevent brittleness, all the while...
The Poundo Board, made of rubber, can be used under quartz slabs to absorb noise and provide shock absorption, or on top to protect your cutting tools edges.
- Heavier weight Bonded Nylon.  - Super sewability - Recommended needle 140/22. - Ideal for footwear, handbags, orthopedic devices and leather articles.  - High tensile strength and elasticity. - Excellent...
MAXMATT Basecoat Dense will allow you to achieve the highest quality on your leather edge. The Basecoat can be used almost on all kinds of leather as well as other...
Showing 37 - 54 of 196 result