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Showing 1 - 18 of 115 result

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The Round Leather End Punch is an essential tool for leather craft with a variety of uses, whether you're making belts, bags, or fashion and accessories. lt comes in multiple...
Ever get annoyed when trying to make cutting lines or punching marks on finished leathers? Here's your answer. This marking pen leaves a very visible mark on the grain side...
Blunt needle with an extra large eye makes hand stitching much easier. Approx. 2" long.
Made from 41xx steel, these punches have incredible strength and toughness due to the case hardening process after the punches are formed. Finished with a black electrophoresis coating to prevent...
Bevels and rounds off edges of leather The larger the number, the wider the bevel.
Used for coating embroidery thread and threads for stitching leather to protect them from abrasion.
You'll love this tool for burnishing your projects. This tool is ideal for those small curved areas that are often hard to reach. You have four width choices and a...
C.S. Osborne's Revolving Punch is a nickel plated, fine quality pressed frame revolving punch with drive tubes. The tubes, which are in sizes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6,...
Easy to use. Rugged aluminum handle and blade, plus protective plastic cap. Replacement blades available here.
Available in Mini and Maxi Sizes Maxi - Sizes 6 through 10 and 12 (3/16", 13/64", 7/32", 1/4", 17/64" and 5/16"). Set includes six interchangeable tempered-steel tubes and forged steel...
Our compact anvil is easy to mount to your work bench. A great base for setting rivets. 2-3/4" tall, 1-13/16" wide, 5-1/4" long and the top is 3-3/8" long.
Protect the investment in your tools by using a high quality, impact absorbing surface underneath your leather while cutting or punching.
This straight knife is a great versatile tool for both skiving leather down to your needed thickness, and cutting out leather pieces. Designed to be stropped and sharpened as needed...
The Poundo Board, made of rubber, can be used under quartz slabs to absorb noise and provide shock absorption, or on top to protect your cutting tools edges.
Showing 1 - 18 of 115 result